About Us

 The courses that are offered through Family and Consumer Sciences each have their own unique curriculum that allows students to practice skills they feel are neccessary in life.

Family and Child Care - students will explore and understand the physical, emotional, social, and intellectual development of children from conception to age 3. Students will also understand what happen to the woman and family as a new baby is brought into their life.

Nutrition Science - students will explore the importance of good nutrition and exercise in their daily life. They will also understand and use cooking terms, equipment, and recipes. Students will be able to prepare mulitple meals as a group and as an individual.

Singles Living - students will be able to learn all the neccessary components of living on your own. They will learn to budget money, prepare meals, clean their homes, laundry, house and car buying (verses leasing), how to keep a postive relationship with self and others, etc.  

General FACS - students will be introduced to all aspects of Family and Consumer Sciences through this class. After taking this class, students will be able to determine if they would like to learn more in a specific area and sign up for one of the other classes.

Class Expectations

 I. Have these materials in class everyday:

Each student is asked to keep a folder or binder in class that has pockets for worksheets and loose leaf paper for assignments.  Each student can also keep a writing utensil in their binder. These will eventually become their portfolios for the class.

II. Follow these procedures at all times:

a. Respect the right of all to learn by:

    1. coming to class on time

    2. being seated, working on the warm-up written on the board or overhead

    3. show respect for those who are speaking by not talking while they are and waiting until they are finished to add a comment, question, or concern.

    4. contribute your own efforts, opinions, and ideas during group activities and listen to others during discussions

    5. Refrain from throwing objects or hurtful words while observing all safety guidelines.

b. Respect your own right to learn by:

   1. asking for clarification when you do not understand and asking for help when needed

   2. getting assignments ahead of time if you know you are going to miss and stay current on assignments and deadlines

III. Expect logical consequences for misbehavior

IV. Remember the right to an education is an opportunity which ONLY YOU can use!



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